Female Scammer Ina Mazura Ify

Ina Mazura Ify

Female Scammer Ina Mazura Ify

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Scam Danger: 


First Name: Ina
Location [Address]:
Age: 39
Birth Date:
Ina Mazura Ify

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Reports :

---Original Message---

im an italian man and i wanted to tell you something!Ok few time ago i meet on instagram a woman that called Ina Mazura and she told me that make porn video and sell it and on the video she called Nila Mason,so i told her if we could write our cellular Phone but she told me that her phone was broken and she had to buy another that cost 500 euro and if i could send her 250 euro but i did not send anything,so please now i would like to know if you have never hear about this Inna Mazura because i think she Is a scammer,also she told me that live in Vitebskaya Oblast,but first she told me that lived in Zhlobin!Ok i really will apprecciate if you can help me!Now i send you my best regards and thank you

sorry if i bother you again,i wanted to tell you a thing!Ok that woman that you told me were a scammer wrote me an email saying that if were a scammer could not have a drive license because the police would have seize,and she sent me also a pic of her license but i answered to her that police dont seize drive license to the scammers....So tell me please,am i right that police do not make it? So if im right she Is stupid too!Now i send you my best regards and thank you always for to help me

im here again,sorry if i bother you!Ok i dont know if remember what happened me about those girl that told me that was a Belarus pornostar and asked me some money for to buy a new cellular and you told me that she was a scammer and i too had immaginated,so now i received an her email saying me sorry,im very sorry because i told you many lies,im a nigerianan girl and my name Is Ify,but she didnt say to me her surname but she sent me 2 pictures,also now she told me that her mother was to the hospital because was not fine and again she asked me some money but of course also now i will not send any money,but i would like to know if by those 2 her pictures result to you if she is always a scammer!Thank you very much and my best regards



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